” L i f e r s M a d n e s s T h e M o v i e ”
My FOTO Books are available now, Please let me know if you want a signed copy + I will send you my PayPal link and a personalized copy from my Studio/Home office….360-774-2235 . [email protected] . click on the book for a preview
to view + purchase my latest book project please click HERE!
“SUPER SUPPER prints are in now!!!!

The Marijuana Opportunity Reinvestment and Expungement (MORE) -H.R.3884 The MORE Act Passed this stage 24Yes Votes to 10 No Votes
T o W a t c h ” L i f e r s M a d n e s s T h e M o v i e “
Please click on the FREE movie Link- Hemp-Hemp-Hooray!!!
DONATION PAGE for “Lifers Madness” The Movie
To assist me in travel to prisons, and pre and post production please click on the Donation Page link above. Hemp, Hemp Hooray
Please join us for our trip to Vietnam Jan 8 th. And more details next week.
I will post measurement details and Pricing next week and contact info is there also, so you may order a Pure HempAttude Suite by Rawmaste™ Productions & Goods. All are welcome to join us on this trip too, Deluxe Lodging is $50 per night.
Today’s Words are 12-17-19 = Hemp-Hemp-Hooray!!! …
We are debuting the Full Documentary Free on You-Tube NOW!
Free the prisoners Free the Plant and Free the Planet!!!!!! “Lifers Madness The Movie”
Michael Thompson is live today after his postponement
“Communities of color have been disproportionately impacted by laws governing marijuana for far too long, and today we are ending this injustice once and for all,”
Cuomo said.
“It’s not legalization,” he said on public radio previously. “But it is decriminalization and it’s a major, major accomplishment.”
The law will take effect 30 days from Monday.
W e t r a v e l ed t o M u s k e g o n M I a n d v i s i t ed
M i c h a e l T h o m p s o n a P o t P r i s o n e for 2 5 y e a r s on Jul, 24th !
He looks great and I spoke to the Governor’s office on his behalf
— I t ‘ s y o u r t u r n M i c h a e l T h o m p s o n , W e a r e c o m i n g f o r y o u ! ! ! ! —
S t e a m P u n k e r s P o r t T o w n s e n d 2 0 1 9 ! ! !
We have a New PODTV Show (About Prison REFORM) Coming Soon! : “Legacy” on IBM TV
“Lifers Madness” The Movie Approves this message☮️Bless this day!!!
Our Fundraiser campaign will begin soon~InTheMeanTime, to visit our new donate page please visit this link Support “Lifers Madness” The Movie
Today’s Words 09-15-19 = Hemp Clothing …
To Watch “Lifers Madness The Movie”
If you have a Promo Code please click “apply”

We are so proud to be alive during the Cannabis Renaissance… Free the prisoners Free the Plant and Free the Planet!!!
Trailer below ☟
We got 3 new States: UTAH + Ohio Medical/ Michigan Medical + Rec!
- Recreational marijuana is now legal in 10 states; medical marijuana is legal in 33.
- Retired Bath Township Police Det. Howard “Cowboy” Wooldrige Missouri.
Recreational marijuana is now legal in 10 states; medical marijuana is legal in 33.
Let’s Work Smarter not Harder and do feel free to call Jeff Eichen ME’ to join-in and participate-
We need the Farmy to Grow and thru Film get the word out!
A N N O U N C I N G … E p i s o d e O N E i s n o w a v a i l a b l e !
US WEED 4/20 WORLD Premier from Jeff Eichen on Vimeo.
Please Sign-Up for the USWEEDCHANNEL
Contact me: 360-774-2235 [email protected]
Now Collaborating with THE USWEED CHANNEL
Click Here To Rent or Purchase “Lifers Madness” Episode One
Please remember to join Vimeo to view “Lifers Madness” The Movie
For those with Comp Codes please click Rent and apply the code you were issued. Thank You for keeping the conversation alive.
To Donate Please visit our link Support “Lifers Madness” The Movie
Thank You All for our T o u r i n C o l o r a d o
Lance Gloor Trial for Freedom 2018 NEWS UPDATE: March 30, 2018
Click Here To Rent or Purchase “Lifers Madness” Episode One
Please remember to join Vimeo to view “Lifers Madness” The Movie
For those with Comp Codes please click Rent and apply the code you were issued. Thank You for keeping the conversation alive.
To Donate Please visit our link Support “Lifers Madness” The Movie
4 Consideration Please!!!
Lance Gloor Trial for Freedom 2018 NEWS UPDATE: March 30, 2018
Free the non violent prisoners and Free the Plant!!!
Tommy Chong Speaks to DPA 2017… from Jeff Eichen on Vimeo.
Please go to Rawmaste™ Productions & Goods for all products
[ditty_news_ticker id=”649″]
Free the non violent prisoners and Free the Plant!!!
Please scroll down for our 3-D Plant ART
Our NEW Trailer is HERE!!!!
Free the non violent prisoners and Free the Plant!!!
A weekend with the Hemp Elders!!!
This Video is Approved by Lifers Madness!
Please click Image to view larger
Thanks Oregon Country Fair!!! We had a great showing!!!
A Six-part Documentary Series in production NOW!
“Lifers” The Movie Documentary Series Rawmaste™ Productions© 2017 from Jeff Eichen on Vimeo.
We now Have 3-D ART. Wholesale Here Now!.
email us: [email protected]
3-D Leaf ART 2017 Rawmaste™
Thank You Drug Policy Alliance.
BACK 2 Back Screenings this 420 past Week
Please enjoy CCS TV with Paul Stanford & Jeff Eichen from Lifers The Movie!!!
Paul Stanford’s Cannabis Common Sense TV at 2766 NE MLK Jr. Blvd… and the Live show link is: http://www.ustream.tv/channel/cannabis-common-sense . Hemp,Hemp,Hooray!!! JEFFY FRESH APPROVES THIS MESSAGE! www.lifersthemovie.com
Thanks Propolis and Portland & all who came, We even had Kirsten there to watch herself on the big screen for the 1st time ever… Hemp,Hemp Hooray!
Free the non violent prisoners and Free the Plant!!!
One of my Fave shots and Hemp Cancer Survivors- Landon and his CannaMom!
8% Chance to Live ~ Landon is alive today Leukemia free, while he was one of the first children in the US to be on a CBD/ Cannabis clinical trial… Lifers says: Let’s end Marijuana, Hemp & Cannabis Prohibition and reap the benefits from its properties/ Paper-Fiber-Fuel-Medicine and FOOD through the Plant which has so many Amazing and proven Golden results!!!.
It’s time to Free the non violent prisoners and Free the Plant!!!
“Lifers” Docu Series-Trailer-Short-interviews Snapshot Feb 23, 2017, 6:05:41 PM from Jeff Eichen on Vimeo.”Lifers” TRAILER ONE!!!
Jeff Mizanskey IS FREE 9-01-2015- PHOTO BY Jeff Eichen©
It’s time to end Global Prohibition on Marijuana…
“Lifers” is a six part, forty-eight minute, documentary series that focuses on people that are currently serving life without parole in the American justice system for cannabis. Today May 5, 2016 We are adding All Non-Violent Drug War prisoners to our documentary! The first episode of the documentary will be focusing on prisoners that have served unusually long criminal sentences for cannabis, and industry advocates/leaders in the cannabis community that have strong beliefs to releasing people that are serving time in prison for cannabis. We will also show off our footage from our interview in June 2015 with Jeff Mizanskey inside the Missouri State Correctional Center. Jeff Mizanskey was a victim of the War On Drugs/ Three- Strike Policy, which kept him from freedom and behind bars for 21 years and 9 months. Jeff Mizanskey is free now as of Sept, 01, 2015. Thank You Governor Nixon.
We call them “Plant Prisoners”
The goal of the project is to raise awareness and aid in freeing all prisoners in America that are serving sentences for non-violent cannabis crimes. “Almost 60% of Federal prisoners
are behind bars for drug offenses: Only about 3% are for violent offenses.” according to Mikki Norris, Chris Conrad, and Virgina Resner in the book titled “Human Rights – US Drug War”.
Jeff Eichen has spent the last 30 years pursuing the legalization of cannabis. He has spoken with several leaders in the industry across the United States about the ongoing issue of people serving life without parole sentences for non-violent cannabis crimes. His background in photography has let him capture this story in a moment by moment cinematic form and now his goal is to push for the creation of a documentary series that would be distributed via broadcast television or online through companies such as Netflix or Hulu.
For Sponsorship submissions and to contact Us: Call: Jeff Eichen at 360-774-2235
We appreciate your Stories and testimonials.
WE Want to hear from you and consider your story regarding a Loved one in Jail/ Prison to be included in “Lifers”
Free the non violent prisoners and Free the Plant!!! PLEASE DONATE
How Significant Are Obama’s 1,385 Commutations?
President Obama has commuted more prison sentences during his presidency than the total number of commutations issued by the past 12 presidents combined. But when you compare the percentage of commutations to the overall prison population, his record begins to look less historic.
No time to give-up now. Lifers appreciates your assistance to support our travel, and Film Project Pre and Post Production to get the Movie Series out to Festivals and the WORLD!
Dear Obama, on your way out, please free Free The Non-violent Prisoners- Free the Plant and federally legalize Marijuana. Guess what?
Lifers The Movie Message to Mr. President Obama from Jeff Eichen on Vimeo.
DEA Declares CBD Extracts Illegal, But What Does That Mean?
The feds tightening up on cannabis extracts, including CBD. Though 8 individual states enacted comprehensive cannabis reform in November [2016], the federal government appears to have other plans. The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) has released a new drug code for cannabis extracts. Unfortunately, the news doesn’t bode well for CBD. The DEA has declared CBD extracts illegal.
Are we truly moving forward and ending PROHIBITION…
“Lifers” The Movie is dedicated to the release of all Plant and Non-violent prisoners from prison for The WAR On Drugs and crimes which the system needs reform not imprisonment…
Making CBD illegal~The component in the Marijuana plant family responsible for assisting with Pain, Cancer and Epilepsy to name a few, is utterly unforgivable.
Shame on us and our US DEA for making this the new nightmare…
Thanks President Obama for granting clemency to Cullen Reed Harris #14 on Top 25 We so appreciate these Holiday Clemencies! #cut_50#TheLOHM#CANDO#theCouncilus

STANDING ROCK was a Life experience!!!
Here is the link to our short STANDING ROCK Video
“Lifers” We got your back- We got your front and got your Story…
June 17 marks the 45th anniversary of the War on Drugs, and it’s time to come to a concession: The war on drugs has been incredibly successful. You read that right. You could even take it a step further and argue that of all of the policies that American politicians enacted in the 20th century, the war on drugs was the most successful one.
Our map shows current state laws and recently-approved ballot measures legalizing marijuana for medical or recreational purposes. Medical marijuana laws recently passing in Arkansas, Florida and North Dakota have yet to become effective. Laws permitting recreational use in Maine, Massachusetts and Nevada have also not yet been implemented after receiving voter approval. Information is current as of Nov. 11, 2016.
Medical marijuana legalized | |
Marijuana legalized for recreational use | |
No laws legalizing marijuana |
Some states, such as Virginia, enacted laws decades ago allowing for the possession of marijuana if individuals received prescriptions from doctors. Federal law, however, prohibits doctors from prescribing marijuana, rendering those laws invalid. Doctors can only write a recommendation for medical marijuana, which is different than a prescription.
George Martorano Released From Prison After 31 Years for Drugs
Murderers, rapists and child molesters have spent far less time behind bars.
On October 8th, the Department of Justice announced that 6,000 federal inmates would be released “to reduce overcrowding and provide relief to drug offenders who received harsh sentences over the past three decades,” part of President Obama‘s new prison reform plan, which he addressed in July in Philadelphia at the NAACP convention. Well, it turns out that just three days before the DOJ announcement, former Philadelphia drug dealer George Martorano was released from federal prison after serving 31 years on drug charges.
Martorano — the son of late Philly mobster Raymond “Long John” Martorano — was said to be the longest incarcerated non-violent offender in the federal prison system prior to his release on October 5th from Florida’s Coleman Prison. Arrested in Philadelphia in 1982, later pleading guilty to drug charges (no violent offenses), and sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole, the South Philadelphia man was considered to be one of the biggest casualties of Ronald Reagan‘s War on Drugs. Indeed, many murderers, rapists and child molesters have spent far less time in prison than Martorano.
That’s not to say that Martorano was dealing dime bags of weed on the street corner. Federal authorities accused Martorano of being at the top of an organized crime drug business that saw annual revenues of $75 million. The FBI caught him with a truckload — literally, a truckload — of marijuana, and his guilty plea included a variety of drug charges, including heroin and cocaine distribution.
So how does a guy enter a guilty plea and still wind up being sentenced to die in prison? Good question.
Martorano’s attorney in the drug case was the notorious Robert “Bobby” Simone, a good friend of the mobster Nicodemo “Nicky” Scarfo. Simone advised Martorano that if he entered a guilty plea, he would likely spend around a decade in prison, even though that was actually harsher than the time suggested by the sentencing guidelines back then: just three or four years. But, much to Martorano’s shock and horror, the judge dished out the drastic sentence, later affirmed by another judge after an appeal.
By all accounts, Martorano was a model prisoner, teaching other inmates yoga, creative writing and a prison course called Release Preparation: Starting a Business for Under $1,000. He never stopped fighting for his release. He petitioned the Supreme Court to take his case — they declined — and in 2014, he asked the court to reduce his sentence. In that appeal, a prison psychiatrist called Martorano’s behavior “outstanding” and insisted that he “has been a positive role model and positive influence.” Finally, when he turned 65 this year, he became eligible for the DOJ’s Compassionate Release program, and now he’s a free man.
Since walking out of prison, Martorano has been spending his time with his sister and her husband in Florida. Both of them spent countless hours lobbying for his release. (Below is a photo of the three of them, with George on the left)
“Our time is not God’s time, but prayers do get answered,” says cousin Steve Martorano, a popular chef with restaurants in Florida, Las Vegas and Atlantic City. “Changes need to be made in our judicial system so this never happens again.”
Read more
Antonio Bascaró, 80, the nation’s longest serving marijuana prisoner
He is marijuana’s forgotten man.
Antonio hasn’t been mentioned in a U.S. newspaper since 1982. He’s unremarked upon on marijuana-related web sites. Even Beth Curtis, founder of lifeforpot.com and an expert on prisoners serving long marijuana sentences, was amazed that she had not heard of him.
Four weeks ago, Antonio’s youngest daughter, Aicha, sent an unsolicited e-mail to The Clemency Report: “Hello! Can you help me?,” she asked.
Her father’s case seemed too horrible to be true: 35 years in prison for a non-violent, first-time marijuana-only offense? Sadly, research confirmed the story was true — and even more important than his daughter realized.
TONY was Not released this past WEEK! Come on FOfLiKS!!!
Please Mr. President TRUMP! Grant Clemency for Prisoners
Serving LIFE SENTENCES for Marijuana
98 Clemencies Announced Today, None for Marijuana
OCT 27, 2016 —
Meet some of the nonviolent offenders serving life for marijuana at our website www.MarijuanaLiferProject.org
and please keep sharing this petition.

nonviolent offenders serving Life Without Parole or De-Facto Life Sentences (defined as 25 years or more)
for nonviolent marijuana offenses. Most prisoners serving LIFE SENTENCES for MARIJUANA exercised
their sixth amendment right to a trial by jury and received significant sentencing enhancements as a result.
Most were convicted of conspiracy, based only on the testimony of informants and cooperating witnesses
seeking to reduce their own sentences.
We believe it both fiscally and morally irresponsible to condemn any marijuana offender to die behind bars
for a nonviolent offense. Reasonable parameters, such as 10 years served or advanced age, can be implemented
in order to qualify marijuana lifers for commutation.
We urge the President to use his power to grant clemency and show compassion to these prisoners and their
families by offering them a second chance at returning to life as productive members of society.
JEFFY FRESH APPROVES THIS MESSAGE! #Free the Non-Violent Prisoners~Free the Plant! #End Prohibition for Marijuana NOW!!!
#readyforclemency #ready4clemency
Zoomer Radio Interview Oct, 09 2016
Thanks to those who visited Us at the NEW YORK CANNABIS FILM FESTIVAL
Sunday Oct 16 2pm-11pm ALL Day:
I still want your story, I will interview you!!!!
Just Facebook “Lifers” and I will Personally get back to you and arrange an interview you with your
Here are 2 Donation buttons Please beware that by donating we will add you name forever as a CONTRIBUTING PRODUCER
and “Lifers” will be fundraising for Production and travel to Prisons all over the Globe. We certainly appreciate your generosity and contributions.
Please go to our Inside-Out Payment page for a Secure PayPal donation, we certainly appreciate YOU!

America Can Learn a Lot From Portugal’s Drug Policy
Portugal’s story and the parallel we need to understand and adopt…
Why hardly anyone dies from a drug overdose in Portugal
Lifers Trailer 2016-179 from Jeff Eichen on You Tube
“Lifers” In Prison for What? Documentary by Jeff Eichen on Vimeo very soon.
This video is about “Lifers” In Prison for What?
We are Headlined IN LEAFONLINE.com Today
World Movie Preview ~ Sat Aug 20th 8-11pm at the
Seattle Film Institute 3210 16th Ave West Seattle WA 98119 (MAP)
Wear 50%+ Green and get a discount~Plus there will be some Give-Aways!
This is also the launch for our FUNdraiser campaign!!!
Dave Becker Performs-The Hammer- For Lifers The Movie
July 30th this Just In!!!: I am dedicating my life to “Lifers” and all who are and have never had PURE JUST-US or some may like Justice!!!
Just in!: Obama Cuts Prison Sentences for 200 Drug Offenders recently, and WA State in Federal Court, Tacoma on June 3, 2016, found Father and legal Cannabis entrepreneur Lance Gloor Guilty and gave him 120 months and then 5 years probation.
Clemency, Reform, Restitution~End Prohibition NOW!!!
Lance Gloor Sentencing Day June 3, 2016
Free the Non-Violent Plant Prisoners
and Free the Plant!!!
It’s time to end Global Prohibition on Marijuana…
“Lifers” is a six part, forty-eight minute, documentary series that focuses on people that are currently serving life without parole in the American justice system for cannabis. Today May 5, 2016 We are adding All Non-Violent Drug War prisoners to our documentary! The first episode of the documentary will be focusing on prisoners that have served unusually long criminal sentences for cannabis,and industry advocates/leaders in the cannabis community that have strong beliefs to releasing people that are serving time in prison for cannabis. We will also show off our footage from our interview last June 2015 with Jeff Mizanskey inside the Missouri State Correctional Center. Jeff Mizanskey was a victim of the War On Drugs/ Three- Strike Policy, which kept him from freedom and behind bars for 21 years and 9 months. Jeff Mizanskey is free now as of Sept, 01, 2015. Thank You Governor Nixon.
We call them “Plant Prisoners”
The goal of the project is to raise awareness and aid in freeing all prisoners in America that are serving sentences for non-violent cannabis crimes. For Sponsorship submissions and to contact Us:
Call: Jeff Eichen at 360-774-2235
We appreciate your Stories and testimonials.
WE Want to hear from you and consider your story regarding a Loved one in Jail/ Prison to be included in “Lifers”
Call me if you have been invited to view this rough Draft of the full Episode:
Jeff Eichen 360-774-2235
Lifers The Movie Episode 1-K-Full Rough Draft from Jeff Eichen on Vimeo.
It’s time to end Global Prohibition on Marijuana…
“Lifers” is a six part, forty-eight minute, documentary series that focuses on people that are currently serving life without parole in the American justice system for cannabis. Today May 5, 2016 We are adding All Non-Violent Drug War prisoners to our documentary! The first episode of the documentary will be focusing on prisoners that have served unusually long criminal sentences for cannabis, and industry advocates/leaders in the cannabis community that have strong beliefs to releasing people that are serving time in prison for cannabis. We will also show off our footage from our interview in June 2015 with Jeff Mizanskey inside the Missouri State Correctional Center. Jeff Mizanskey was a victim of the War On Drugs/ Three- Strike Policy, which kept him from freedom and behind bars for 21 years and 9 months. Jeff Mizanskey is free now as of Sept, 01, 2015. Thank You Governor Nixon.
We call them “Plant Prisoners”
The goal of the project is to raise awareness and aid in freeing all prisoners in America that are serving sentences for non-violent cannabis crimes.
Free the non violent prisoners and Free the Plant!!!