
Only Medical Marijuana is CONSTITUTIONALLY PROTECTED. Recreational is a vice subject to federal prohibition. And now reality hits. Quote:

“Spicer did stipulate the importance of medical marijuana, suggesting Trump would continue to allow that”

This is why we joined Dennis Peron against Prop 64. Recreational can be eliminated by an executive order at any time, medical won the federal case our rights are sealed.

MCRSA will still be a valid program, Prop 64 is in deep trouble. We serve medical customers ONLY for this reason alone. Work with informed professionals, work with Emerald Environments.

Donald Trump says he has never smoked pot — and apparently he’s not a fan of people who do. Trump’s press secretary, Sean Spicer, suggested on Thursday that the Trump administration could crack down on the 8 states that have legalized marijuana…
“Lifers” still wants a Total end to Cannabis Prohibition. And NOW!!!