No Criminal Charges For Medical Marijuana Patients

Married couple, Peggy Kimmel and Glenn Keeling, are facing over 50 years each in prison for medical Cannabis in Ohio. Both had recommendations from their MD to use Medical Marijuana at the time of law enforcement involvement.
Peggy and Glenn are facing numerous felony charges including child endangerment. CPS did an investigation following the Halloween night 2017 arrest of Glenn Keeling. The case was closed in less than 1 month, and their daughter has remained in her home the entire time. Both Peggy and Glenn are allowed to continue using Medical Marijuana, while their cases are on going, per bond conditions. Peggy has MS. Glenn has Crohn’s disease. Both have benefitted greatly health wise from Medical Marijuana.
Peggy and Glenn are assests to their community, not threats. They’ve opened their home to numerous people in their community, offering any help they could provide. Their 15 year old daughter is an honor roll student, who volunteers weekly with her church to help others. Peggy and Glenn started a chapter of The Human Solution International. Neither have criminal histories. Both believed that with their Dr. recommendations for Medical Marijuana, that they were acting within the law.
This case has been dragged on for far too long. The stress it is causing the family is needless. Mercer County Prosecutor Matt Fox is wasting precious resources trying to prosecute a couple who did nothing but use a safe, natural medicine to improve their lives. A teenaged girl stands to loose her parents and her stable home. No family should be torn apart over a healing plant.
We The People ask Judge Ingraham to close both cases. We The People ask Matt Fox to drop all charges against both Peggy Kimmel and Glenn Keeling. We the people ask Ohio Governor De Wine to stop the persecution and prosecution of Medical Marijuana Patients in Ohio.